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My name is Jake Hembree,
I design things.
Graphic design, to me, is a language that transcends barriers. It's a universal medium that has the power to educate, inspire, and unite. It's how we make sense of complex data, how we inspire action, and how we create connections.
Let's create togetherBring your vision to life!
AAnnaalloogg CCaattaalloogg
Retrofuturism in the form of magazine ads for consumer goods!
TThhee SSttiicckkeerr PPrroojjeecctt
Original sticker designs by yours truly.
TThhee MMoovviinngg MMeettrrooppoolliiss
Motion Design with Cityscapes.
Gallery to be announced! Something exceiting will be here eventually.
Bring your vision to life!
Inspiring innovation and change
In today's fast-paced, information-saturated world, where attention spans are fleeting, graphic design plays a pivotal role. It's the visual symphony that grabs your attention amidst the noise, the elegant choreography of shapes and colors that guides your eyes and thoughts.